
From Edgy Highschooler To Car Hacker And Security Researcher By Totally_Not_A_Haxxer

Hey, there- not sure how I can start this other than going by the title and kind of scraping a bit on the surface. For starters, hello there- my name is Totally_Not_A_Haxxer ( ironic name ), and I am a 16-year-old automotive security researcher working with organizations such as mk.iii to produce quite an amount of cyber-security-related content! This is my short story on how I went from an outcast in school to someone who hacks cars ( legally ) for a living! Ah, let’s rewind the clock to the good ol’ days, before I became the grandmaster (okay let's tone it down a bit hahahah!) of car hacking – yep, you heard me right, car hacking. But before all that wizardry, I was basically the outcast of outcasts. Back in the day, yours truly was knee-deep in writing game cheats, rubbing shoulders with folks whose greatest ambition was mastering the art of game cheats and munching on a hearty selection of mood-altering substances. Ah, the exploits community, where toxicity thrives like a fungu

Automotive Security: Getting Started - By Totally_Not_A_Haxxer

   Introduction A topic I have personally always been interested in is automotive cyber security, it was the second beginning of my RE path as I learned how to reverse engineer networks and remotely replay specific data back to automobiles! As the field of technology grows, so do cars and this industry along with it! For this article as a part of my “Reverse Engineering” section, I will be talking about automotive cyber security, my experience so far in the industry, my experience working with automotive systems, and even what it may take to get started. This article will not be super in-depth and will just have one total section going into it as I want to make these “modules” a bit more shorter for nonadvanced topics! Automotive CyberSecurity | A Bitter Industry This section will be dissected into multiple parts, first, we will talk about my personal background in the industry, why I got into it, what is so fun about it, and why I decided to also dedicate some of my research to the au

Automotive Security: A General Talk - By Totally_Not_A_Haxxer

Automotive Security — Introduction  This article is going to be a bit different and is just going to be a small to medium talk on automotive cyber security. I will not be going deep into the security aspects such as the protocols, history, etc etc but will rather be talking about why security for cars is important, what hackers can do and speak on a more basic / introductory tone with this article. Since I am personally getting back into cyber security with automotive systems and better protecting them, I want to be able to explain the idea’s behind automotive security and how insanely vulnerable cars are in today’s world for the general public. So, I do not plan on making this long! Automotive Security: A General Talk For this article, like every other article or module; we will be separating everything into their own subsections. We will be going over a decent list of things so here it all goes! Automotive Security : Breaking into the realm: A section that will talk about exactly